IEG is introducing the new in-lounge shower app. This solution will add full control to the VIP lounge and reduces waiting time for an easier passenger experience.
Shower App is a multi-platform staff-facing application. It is designed to help manage your shower space within the lounge, especially during peak hours.
It is a fully touch-based application, available on Android, iPad/iPhone and windows pc.
When developing solutions, IEG looks to solve common business problems. We noticed lounge showers experience the following sources of frustration, which inspired the shower App.
- Long inefficient lineups
- Lost keys or NFC cards
- Mistakes in queueing and shower assignment
- Confusion in both staff-passenger communication and staff-staff communication
- Certain showers not being used, even during peak hours
- Lack of statistics
Shower App will suit your business needs for the following reasons:
- Increases your operational efficiency
- Provides valuable statistics and reporting
- Reduces your long-term costs
Shower App achieves this by:
- Reducing lineups and queues for showers
- Providing a streamlined user experience for agents
- Giving a sense of organization to passengers
- Enhancing communication between front-desk agents and cleaning/ maintenance staff
- Reducing turnaround time for cleaning
- Ridding confusion with physical keys
- By easily assigning passengers to showers based on last-hour AIMS entries
- Managing passengers in the queue, including the ability to delete or change the priority
- Allowing the user to set the shower to 1 of 6 showers “States”
- Giving you a virtual overview of your shower space, including the status of every passenger using it
Promotes efficiency by integrating with the latest Smart (IoT) technology
Quickly assign a randomized pin-code to a passenger – for each shower

The shower App improves lounge operations and benefits your business by:
- Increasing your operational efficiency
2. Providing valuable statistics and reporting
3. Reducing your long-term costs
As explained, this is achieved through the use of IoT technology, intuitive UI, improved staff communication, and accurate statistics for operational planning.